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Civic Club Elections 2020
South MacGregor Civic Club Elections 2020
if interested in running for an office, please email or contact Election Committee Chairperson, Rose Swain at 713-747-7217.
Voting will occur by mail and can be provided by Mrs. Swain.
Ballots are due by November 5th and the final results will be made public on this webpage by November 12th.
Return ballots to Mrs. Swain or mail to the SMCC PO Box.
P. O. Box 300644
Houston, TX 77230-0644
You must be a PAID member of the Civic Club to Vote or Run for any office.
Click the document below for by-laws which provide description of task required for SMCC offciers.

South MacGregor Civic Club, Inc.
P.O. Box 300644
Houston, TX 77230-0644
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